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Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

 Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

When it comes to ways to lose belly and buttocks fast, eating the right amount of food with exercises to lose weight and lose weight may be all you need.

The following is a program of exercises to lose belly and buttocks at home, every day for only 30 minutes. With clarification of some important nutritional tips that may benefit you to get rid of fat quickly.

Abdominal and buttocks slimming exercises

Training days: Saturday through Thursday, Friday rest.

Training duration: about 30 minutes per day. It is preferable to do the exercises immediately after waking up, and before eating breakfast, as your stomach is empty and thus fat is burned to supply your body with energy during training.

Tools used: body weight only.

Planning the days: the first day exercises to lose the abdomen, and the second day exercises to lose the buttocks, with the days repeated in the same pattern.

Abdominal slimming exercises

Do the following exercises on Saturdays, Mondays, and Wednesdays.

1- Mountain Climbers

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

Mountain Climbing - Abdominal Workout Schedule for Beginners

One of the best full-body slimming exercises, as it is a compound exercise that targets a large group of muscles. But in particular, it targets the abdomen and buttocks. It also enters some other muscles to stabilize the body, such as the arms, shoulders and chest.

So start your training session with it, and the way to perform it is as follows.

Keep your body on your toes with your hands flat on the floor, then raise your body from the middle up.

Then move your right knee toward your chest as far as you can, alternating with the left leg.

Repeat the movement for 30 seconds, then rest for a minute, and repeat the exercise for 3 sets.

2- Plank exercise

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

The best abdominal exercises at home

Helps burn a large amount of fat in the abdomen and buttocks by placing it under great pressure to stabilize your body as long as possible.

Although it is one of the most difficult abdominal exercises, its benefits are guaranteed and you should do it, and to make it easier try to start gradually.

Important Performance Tips:-

Fix your body on the tips of the toes and elbows from the front, then raise your body until your back is completely straight.

Maintain this position as long as possible. For beginners, you can start with 15 seconds in the first set and then 30 seconds and 45 seconds in the last set.

This period must be developed gradually in the future as your physical fitness increases.

3- Leg raises with Russian toast

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

One of the most powerful exercises for slimming and slimming the body, especially the sides, and the lower abdomen.

How to perform the exercise:

Sit with your legs wrapped around each other and slightly off the floor, then tilt your body back a little.

Grab a small ball or bag of sand and move it to either side of your body slowly, keeping your leg raised and your legs straight.

The exercise can be performed without weights at all, but it only increases its effectiveness.

4- Crunches with kicks

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

Abdominal exercises at home - kick crunches

It aims to burn fat, and strengthen the muscles in the upper and lower abdominal muscles. It is also effective for slimming the buttocks and tightening the buttocks.

It is a simple exercise, sit down and lean your body back while using your hand to stabilize your body. Then lift your legs off the floor a little and pull them toward your chest as far as you can. with repeated movement.

5- Bicycle exercise

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

Abdominal exercise schedule - bicycle

It is considered the most comprehensive in abdominal slimming exercises, certified by ACE Sports Academy. Because it targets all parts of the entire abdomen, upper, lower and sides, and helps to tighten the buttocks as well.

How to perform this exercise:

Lie on your back, then raise your head and shoulders slightly off the floor with your hands behind your head.

Extend the right leg forward and make it straight and hanging in the air, then pull the left leg toward your chest.

Rotate your body until your knee touches your elbow, and try not to push your head with your hand during the movement to avoid injury to the neck.

Alternate between the left and right leg for 30 seconds, for 3 sets with 1 minute rest between each set.

6- Spiderman Plank

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

Blanc Crunches - Abdominal Workout Schedule

An advanced exercise, it takes a lot of fitness but it is one of the best and most effective abdominal exercises ever. And almost contains all the benefits of the exercises mentioned above.

And to do it right:

Take the traditional plank pose first.

Move your right knee forward until it touches the elbow, or just below it and bring your leg back.

Repeat the same movement with the left leg alternately, and do the movement 20 times “10 reps per leg” for 3 sets.

Exercises to lose the buttocks

Do these exercises on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays

1- Squat - squat with body weight

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

Men's exercises at home - squats

Squats work more than 200 muscles in the body, most notably the muscles of the legs, buttocks, back, abdomen and lower back. This makes it one of the best exercises for slimming and burning fat.

How to do it:

Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, then slowly lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Get up again slowly while you are in control of your body weight, repeating the movement for 15 repetitions.

2- Bodyweight lunge exercise

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

man home exercises

In second place for the best exercises for slimming the buttocks comes the stabbing, and this exercise works powerfully to burn fat in the buttocks and tighten the buttocks.

performance method:

Stand straight and take the right leg forward one step

Bend your left knee until it touches the ground, then raise your body to a standing position again.

Repeat the same movement for the other leg, 10 repetitions per leg.

3- The butt lift exercise, or the bridge

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

It works to tighten the hamstrings, in addition to strengthening and burning fat in the back leg, and it is an indispensable basic exercise.

to perform the exercise,

Lie on your back, arms beside your body, knees slightly bent.

Keep your heels firmly on the floor, pushing the body upwards so that your body is straight.

To increase the benefit, hold your body upright for a second while squeezing your buttocks and leg muscles.

4- Pile squats

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

It is necessary to include exercises to lose weight from the inside, which is one of the best and most effective.

How to perform the exercise:

Stand with your legs slightly apart, with your knees and feet pointed outward.

Lower slowly, keeping the back straight and the legs slightly open.

Stand up again slowly and you are in control of your body weight.

Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds.

5- inner thigh lift

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

By raising the legs and keeping them in the air, you put pressure on the muscles of the leg, in addition to strengthening the muscles of the lower abdomen. Therefore, this exercise is very wonderful in losing the inner buttocks and tightening the buttocks.

To do this, lie on your back with the legs up, straighten one leg and lower the other to the side as far as you can. Repeat the movement for 15 seconds on each leg.

6- side lunge

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

Through this advanced exercise, you can achieve a great result in slimming and tightening the buttocks and buttocks. It can be performed with or without weights.

How to do the exercise:

Stand with your legs shoulder width apart, then take a wide step to the left.

Stand by lowering your body in a squat-like motion until your left thigh is parallel to the floor.

Slowly raise your body again, keeping your back straight and your shoulders stationary throughout the movement.

Repeat the movement 15 times for each leg.

Exercises for slimming arms and shoulders

If you suffer from the accumulation of fat in the arms, you can add another day to the training program that includes exercises for slimming the arms and shoulders. It should be on Mondays and Thursdays, with no abdominal and buttock exercises on these days.

Here are some of the best exercises for slimming arms and shoulders at home.

1- Push-up

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

One of the strongest exercises for the entire upper body, and very effective in slimming the arms, shoulders and chest.

Related: Learn about the different forms of push-ups and the right ways to perform.

2- side flap

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

Lateral Shoulder Exercises - Side Flap

If you do not have dumbbells, you can perform this exercise with two water bottles or sandbags, or without weights at all.

In any case, it is one of the best exercises to slim the arms and shoulders, especially from the side. You can do it this way:

Stand upright with weights in both hands

Lift the weights until the elbow is about shoulder height, then slowly lower the weight again, repeating the movement for 10-15 repetitions.

3- Jewel Press

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

An advanced exercise that requires high fitness and is considered one of the strongest exercises for slimming the arms and shoulders. It specifically targets the triceps muscles.

performance method:

From the normal pressure position, except for rounding the thumbs until they form a diamond or a triangle with your fingers

Lower your body as much as you can, until your chest touches the floor or slightly before it.

Lift your body again with 8-10 repetitions in each set.

4- Bay weighted

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

Using any available weight “two bottles or dumbbells,” do this exercise to strengthen the muscles of the arms from the front and get rid of fat with it.

Stand with a dumbbell in each hand on either side of your body, then lift the weights toward your chest

Squeeze the arm muscles while lifting the weight at the end of the movement.

Lower the weight again slowly and repeat the movement for 10 reps and 3 sets.

5- Extend the arms from the side sleeping position

Exercises for slimming at home, 17 exercises to slim the abdomen and buttocks

One of the strongest exercises for slimming the arms and shoulder at all, and here is how to perform it.

Lie on your side with one hand on the floor and the other on the shoulder.

Press the ground to raise the upper body as high as you can.

Lower your body again until your shoulder touches the floor and repeat 10 repetitions for each arm.

Methods of rapid slimming of the abdomen and buttocks

In addition to practicing and maintaining weight loss exercises, there are some healthy and nutritional strategies and habits that may help you get rid of belly fat and buttocks quickly. Here are the most prominent of these tips.

1- Eat the right types of carbohydrates: sugars, starches and refined carbohydrates, which contain a large amount of calories and are not saturated. Therefore, reducing its intake is one of the best ways to quickly lose weight in the abdomen and buttocks.

Instead, eat more complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, which are usually slow to digest. This makes you feel fuller for longer periods and therefore eats fewer calories each day.

2- Eat more protein: When exercising to lose the buttocks and abdomen, it is necessary to supply the body with enough protein for two reasons.

Protein is very important for strengthening the muscles of your abdomen and legs as it repairs and rebuilds muscles stronger and thinner.

Some studies indicate that eating protein-rich foods stimulates the stomach to produce satiety hormones, which suppress appetite and resist hunger.

3- Avoid drinks rich in sweeteners and sugar: Studies indicate some sweetened drinks may contain a large number of empty calories. So try to have natural juices instead.

4- Drink water before every meal: Drinking a large glass of water before eating your food can help suppress appetite and promote a feeling of fullness. In the same principle, if the meal contains soup, start your food with it.

5- Eating dietary fiber: Studies show that adequate intake of dietary fiber may be beneficial for weight loss. For example, the beta-glucan fiber found in abundance in oats promotes the production of the peptide hormone, which is responsible for the satiety signals of the brain.

Related: Find out the best sources of dietary fiber.

Weight loss diet

In addition to exercises to lose weight in the abdomen and buttocks, it is very necessary to eat the right amount of calories to ensure a good result.
